Monday, February 08, 2010

Review: Eels, End Times

End Times 

Eels describes their eighth studio album, End Times as the sound of an artist growing older in uncertain times. The album was intended to capture a man teetering on self-destruction in a dying world; End Times refers not to the predictions of impending apocalyptic doom in 2012, but the end of common decency in our desperate times. Recorded in a basement on an old four track tape machine, End Times gives a voice to the bleak outlook and worries of a defeated man. End Times is a respectable showcase of the indisputable depth and talent of Eels, however in these uncertain times eels are lamenting, I’m not sure how many people are going to be willing to subject themselves to frontman Mark Everett’s bemoaning everything from suicide bombers to the LA neighborhoods that really piss him off (“Mansions of Los Feliz”). Songs like “High and Lonesome”, which is one minute of pouring rain and the dialing of a telephone definitely leave something to be desired, that something is music. Of course the album is redeemed by the Everett’s unquestionable musical abilities and poignant lyrics, but the extreme bleakness of the album makes it difficult to enjoy in full.
Best Tracks: Little Bird (# 13) Mansions of Los Feliz (# 4)
-- Tiare Dunlap
Host, "Girl, Please!" Fridays 4-6 pm on WGTB

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:56 PM

    You recognize, people each time enact comments when anything is predicted to come to pass in 2012, like “fairly that is if the age is still here.” You do understand that the Mayans suggest the creation will finish on Dec. 21 (or 23rd)? So in all strong if anything is booming to happen in 2012 there is only the slimmest feasibility that the everybody hand down take ended forward of it happens.
    ]world schedule 2012
    [/url] - some truth about 2012
