Monday, February 15, 2010

Review: Miles Kurosky, The Desert of Shallow Effects

Miles Kurosky
The Desert of Shallow Effects

The last seven years have been rough for Miles Kurosky. After his old band Beulah broke up he underwent several shoulder surgeries, lost the ability to use his right arm, and then had a life-threatening kidney troubles. Needless to say, he had a lot of time to think about his life and about music. Beulah always had very honest lyrics, but those in The Desert of Shallow Effects really seem to dig into the personal side of Kurosky. He describes everything from his struggle with God to girl problems to homicidal housewives. Enveloping all these words, though, is music that continues where Beulah left off. Kurosky beautifully layers his songs with horns, accordions, synths, keyboards, oboes, and glockenspiels. “I Can’t Swim” is one of the catchiest songs of this young year. Though at some points his poppy nature gets the best of him and things get a little too major-chordy, the frequent changes in pace and instrumentation help to counteract this.
Songs To Listen To: "An Apple For An Apple" "I Can't Swim"

-- Kevin Lynch
Host, "Don't You Wish We Were NPR," Mondays 8-10 AM on WGTB

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