Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Review: Rogue Wave, "Good Morning (The Future)" (Single)

Rogue Wave
Single: "Good Morning (The Future)"

Rogue Wave’s new single, “Good Morning (The Future),” off their new album, “Permalight” (to be released in early March from Brushfire Records) is a distant cousin of their melodic strummings of the past. In fact, it bears no resemblance at all. It sheds Rogue Wave’s typical calm melodies in favor of a hectic Postal Service-esque electronic beat. It isn’t what Rogue Wave fans of the past would expect or want to see from the group. However, don’t dismiss the full album yet, as their past accomplishments in “Asleep At Heaven’s Gate” and “Descended Like Vultures” prove their musical merit worth exploring in “Permalight.” I, for one, will hold out hope that this single is a mere blemish on an otherwise well put together new album.
-- Andrew Glass

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