Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Review: Various Artists, Casual Victim Pile: Austin 2010

Various Artists
Casual Victim Pile: Austin 2010
Austin, TX: “The Live Music Capital” has an undeniable musical heritage in its very heart. As a Texan, one always hears of the large music scene of Austin, where bands are always trying to get discovered. Matador Record’s Casual Victim Pile: Austin 2010 is a cohesive regional music compilation consisting of 19 tracks that will not disappoint anyone interested in the city’s local music scene. If you are not familiar with the Austin music scene, this compilation will not give you much of an insight on the wide variety of styles that exist in one of the countries most diverse music scenes. However, all 19 of the punk-like/garage-like tracks that are included are very enjoyable. From the start, Follow That Bird!’s song “The Ghosts That Wake You” was enough to catch my attention. It is difficult to speak of standout tracks in this compilation, because these are all stand-out tracks of the bands that have been included. One must go through each track to be able to do this compilation any justice. Every song sounds special in its own way. This is one of the most fun and exciting compilations I have ever heard. I have no doubt in my mind that anyone that listens to this album will be interested in looking into these bands and more of their music. This is a highly recommended collection of solid songs by exciting bands that I think everyone should listen to. I am definitely keeping an eye out for any of these bands and wait to see if any of them get big. I see potential in all of them.
--Enrique Lemus
Host, "Moose Tracks," Mondays 8-10 pm on WGTB


  1. Anonymous3:23 PM

    nice post. thanks.

  2. Anonymous4:19 AM

    I actually just went through this compilation after reading the review. I definitely see the potential in all of these bands. I wonder if any of them will make it out of Austin though. They all seem like bands that could dominate a local scene, but not become a national sensation or anything of that sort.

  3. Anonymous11:19 AM

    What a great resource!

  4. Anonymous8:46 PM

    I loved your blog. Thank you.
