Friday, February 26, 2010

Sports Talk:

Hey Hoya Fans!

Take pride in the student section at the Phonebooth. Vote today for Georgetown as having the best fans in the Big East (better than Louisville, Cincinnati, and Notre Dame). This is the first of what will hopefully be many rounds of voting, as the Hoyas win the contest! Go to to vote today, and remember you can vote as many times as you want so keep hitting that Georgetown tab!
Also, remember to vote for your favorite Big East coach, John Thompson III, in this year's Big East Coach of the Year Award Poll. The winner will be announced on March 7th, so you still have time to vote for JTIII. You can vote approximately once a day. Go to to vote today! Remember to keep it locked to WGTB Sports for all your Georgetown University Athletics news and broadcasts! GO HOYAS!


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