Thursday, February 18, 2010

WWYC of the Week

So remember when I said that the criteria for each weeks entry is more or less subjective? This is one of those times that I am invoking that stipulation. The performance here is quite impressive; its almost a perfect replica of Elliott Smith's gorgeously arranged tune.


I can't even explain the feeling that this cover gives me. It depresses me in a way that only people who prefer Friends to Seinfeld can. It raises so many questions: why are you doing this...

Ok, just one question. Why is he doing this? It makes so little sense. I mean, you know what else provides a really accurate representation of the original 'Son of Sam'? The original 'Son of Sam'. Why would I go to plectrum34 for a near perfect copy when I can just listen to the real thing, which by the rules of logic that bind this great nation, is as close to the real thing as anything can get. I am awarding ten points to anyone that can explain to me in the comments why this video hurts my soul as much as it does.

Next up for this guy: new Venetian Blinds.


  1. Anonymous12:55 PM

    "What is real is not the external form, but the essence of things... it is impossible for anyone to express anything essentially real by imitating its exterior surface." --Constantin Brâncuşi

  2. Anonymous4:40 PM

    its probably his blinds that hurt your soul so bad

  3. i think it's pretty unfair to call this dude out on doing a nearly identical (and decently executed) cover when I would say... 95% of Youtube covers are straight up replications of the original material. is he the worst because he does it better than most? that makes no sense 2 my brain.

  4. @ben - which do you frequent that you are finding straight up replications of original material?

    if this video doesn't stir something in your vertebrae, somethin aint right

  5. Anonymous9:09 PM

    i thought this was a pretty close replica? sounds like the orig. to me

  6. Anonymous1:11 PM

    i truly couldnt disagree with this post more.
    a) friends is better than seinfeld
    b) this guys cover is exactly how the song sounds like and he is certainly talented
    c) i think he just needs some covers or whathaveyou over the blinds and he'd be fine

  7. secondcoming3:11 PM

    i would say that Friends is as close to the root of all evil as the forbidden fruit, while Seinfeld is about as close a representation of urban american life as anyone has ever come to portraying, except maybe like edward hopper.

    further - i don't see why being 'certainly talented' and making the worlds worst youtube cover are mutually exclusive. he is talented, and he also made un unmistakeably bone shaking cringe worthy cover

  8. @yux, lets be serious. you know i mean attempted replications. gross attempts, but the intent is just to recreate the original song [unless you're julia nunes (swoon)].

  9. i think igor is most mad for the sole reason that the guy just looks like a real asshole.

    i'm just saying, there isn't enough wrong with this to make it the worst everever. there is so much evil in the youtube cover world, this guy just seems like a reach.

  10. the thing is, ben, is that we are agreeing. I hate him because he looks like an asshole.

    the criteria for WWYC are not: who is the least talented cover-er. If this guy makes you shiver like he made me shiver, then thats all it takes. I stand by my decision.

  11. Anonymous7:13 PM

    I think what makes me hate him most is that he had enough time to record an almost-exact replica of every vocal/back-up vocal/instrumental track, but not enough time to put the second T in Elliott Smith's name at the beginning of the video.

    Also the awkward eye contact.

  12. Anonymous10:30 PM

    @Anonymous #1
    Romanians represent!
