Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Artist of the Week: Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday is a terrible name for a band. It's hard to find them on the Internet and it reveals next to nothing about the type of music they play. With this band, however, it almost doesn't matter-- Happy Birthday has such a wide range of sound on their latest self-titled release that genre lines don't really apply. Sounding a bit like 70's-era garage rock, with grungy vocals like those of Girls' Christopher Owens and Dire Straits-esque bass riffs, Happy Birthday is consistently interesting, frequently lo-fi, and occasionally quite serious. Still, the Vermont natives, recently signed to Sub Pop, manage to keep their music upbeat and anchored to a traditional rock-'n'-roll structure even as they explore vocal harmonies and heavy gain on the guitars. Keep an eye out for their upcoming self-titled release.

Listen to Happy Birthday "Girls FM" below:

Happy Birthday - Girls FM .mp3

Found at bee mp3 search engine

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