Thursday, March 25, 2010

Review: Andy Elwell, No One You Will Ever Know

Andy Elwell

No One You Will Ever Know


Talk to anyone who isn’t a fan of folk music, and they might tell you it’s because it’s boring, repetitive, and all sort of sounds the same. Even though I as a fan of the folk genre would disagree, throw in some pretty terrible lyricism and a lot of unnecessary “ooh”s and you’ve got a pretty accurate description of No One You Will Ever Know, the debut release from singer/songwriter Andy Elwell.

From beginning to end, No One You Will Ever Know oscillates between soporific and flat-out annoying. The opener, “Her Salt,” an uninspiring love song with a pocket of acapella towards the end in a failed attempt to keep things interesting, is a good taste of what the rest of the album is going to consist of. Other gems include “Everest,” a confusing tune where Elwell vocally tries (unsuccessfully) to imitate Neil Young while equating himself with a mountain, and “Housewarming” in which he warbles “I’ve been thinking about sleep/ like I think it’s what I need.” Funny he should mention needing sleep, because by this track (only the album’s fourth), his entire audience is way ahead of him.

-- Leigh Finnegan,

Host, “Facts and Tracks”, Wednesdays 10-11 am and Fridays 2-3 pm on WGTB

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