Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Review: Triggers, Smoke Show

Smoke Show
Smoke Show is an a great album if you're in the mood for some danceable, poppy, catchy, rock music.  Poppy at times, rocky at others - this album is guitar driven and synth colored and can probably make even a paraplegic tap his foot to it.  With a driving vocal line with expected gang vocals at appropriate parts of the song, this album is certainly recommended.  Must listen tracks are - "Ready or Not" and "Right Where I Need You".  This album is certainly rhythmically energetic and melodically soothing.  Next time I go fishing, I will surely not be using any bait - the hooks in these songs will do the trick.
-- Alex Podkul
Host, "Nothin' but a G-O-D Thang," Tuesdays 2-4 on WGTB


  1. Anonymous2:53 AM

    jsyk triggers ain't no christian rock yo

  2. apologies - tag error fixed
