Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Reviews: Christian Rock Roundup

by Alex Podkul, Host, "Nothin But A G-O-D Thang," Tuesdays 2-4 pm on WGTB

Ike Ndolo 
We Are The Beggars

We are the Beggars is a great album done by growing Christian artist Ike Ndolo, who recently played at the Verizon Center in Washington, D.C.  Ndolo, brother of bassist Kemi Ndolo from Matt Maher’s band, has launched his musical career very far with this debut album.  With its feel-good rock roots in “We Are the Beggars”, the acoustic sounds in “The Wealth of Kings”, and the inspiring lyrics of “Sound of Hope”, the album is both diverse and driven to his cause.  He is a more directly Christian artist (with obvious allusions and reference to “God” and “Christ”) for sure, but his musical sound can certainly appeal to all, the blessed and the beggars.

Relient K
Forget and Not Slow Down 
Relient K’s newest album, “Forget and Not Slow Down”, is another album by Relient where they simply reinvent themselves once again.  However, while they do have a new sound there is an obvious sense of a returning to the roots of their album “Mmhmm”.  This album is definitely more stripped down than there most previous album and that is obvious by the increased presence of the piano.  The album, while catchy at parts and abstract at others, is diverse and has depth instrumentation on some songs and on other songs it is simply piano, vocals, and maybe a guitar for light coloration.  The highlights of the album are “This is the End”, “Forget and Not Slow down”, as well as the triumvirate that is “Sahara”, “Oasis”, and “Savannah”. 

Adventures in Eville

Eleventyseven, a Christian pop punk group from South Carolina, has maintained their catchy sound, their rhythmic riffs, and their danceable quality with Adventures in Eville, there first full length album since going independent.  After listening to their songs once or twice, it is very easy for listeners to learn the words and sing along.  While not complex in instrumentation or scoring, Eleventyseven captures what they are striving for – good, clean songs with a sense of humor.  They must have had a lot of fun making this album, hopefully half as much fun as I’ve had listening to it.  

 Make sure to tune in to Nothing But a G-O-D Thang with Alex Podkul on March 16th from 2:00 – 4:00 PM to listen to Eleventyseven get interviewed!


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  2. ooo! I wanna sup from his cup!
