Thursday, March 18, 2010

WWYC of the Week

AngelB4Ever01's name embodies the type of lyrical and poetic complexity that her singing style matches. Is it "I be an angel forver," as in proclaiming the immortality of angels, and her being one of this group? Is it "Angel Before Ever," as in positing that God's mind is eternal, not infinite, existing outside of time rather than a never ending continuation of it? Maybe her name is 'Angel B' and she wants us to know that she will be around forever. I don't know. I don't think anyone knows. One thing I do know, and that is that she sings Creep with the kind of emotional tenderness and hidden insecurities that Thom Yorke can only pray for.

Next up for AngelB4Ever: getting discovered by a major label.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:49 PM

    I hope this is a joke because this is atrocious.
