Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Review: Rachael Sage, Delancey Street

Rachael Sage
Delancey Street

I hate to take an artist down. Clearly Rachael Sage put a huge amount of effort and emotion and all that good stuff into her new album, Delancey Street. The songs express some nice sentiments about “The Choreography of Love” and “learning how to fly” and whatnot. I mean, we can all relate to the kinds of emotions she sings about; love, heartbreak, etc. My favorite part of the album is Sage’s cover of Hall and Oates’ “Rich Girl,” which is just a great song in the first place. Sage provides us with an interesting female perspective on this song. I suppose. I mean…I think. Alright…I give up. I hate this album, and I can’t think of anything nice to say about it anymore. This is the most boring album I have ever listened to. Every song sounds exactly the same. It sounds like a corny Lifetime movie…the kind you watch with your mom while eating ice cream out of the carton… the kind you wonder why you started watching it in the first place. It’s full of super boring, lite-fm-station-type crap. If you dig this kind of stuff…as in, if you dig the kind of music my mom probably listens to while knitting, then pick up this album. And by that I mean, don’t bother.

-- Elena Solli
Host, "Fun Dip and Cherry Coke," Thursdays 10 pm - 12 AM on WGTB


  1. haha oh man. she doesn't look very young, this isn't her debut album is it?

  2. Anonymous3:24 AM

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  3. sorry. we don't trade links.
