Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Review: Rerunner, On Three...

On Three…

These days, a lot of people think that any guy with a Mac and a mop of straggly hair can rip off his sweaty t-shirt and make good electronic music. If the influx of GarageBand “musicians” has shown us anything, though, it’s that this is far from the case. It is not enough for some dude to lay down a beat and mess around with a synthesizer; electronica/dance music has to fulfill the same standards of integrity to which other genres are held in order to count, I think, as worthwhile music. ReRunner’s On Three… meets, if not exceeds, these expectations.

In only four tracks, ReRunner creates catchy, intricate melodies conducive to both dancing and hipster head bopping. With sound clips from Michael Anderson’s 1976 sci-fi movie Logan’s Run, a subtly‘80s dance mix vibe, and a variety of cyclical electronic beats, all four songs meld together into a cohesive and techno-party worthy album. ReRunner’s success lies in that they don’t simply mash these features up into an incomprehensible jumble, but instead organize them into well-conceived, comprehensive songs. None of the tracks are exceptionally memorable in their own right, but together they demonstrate that ReRunner brings its own flavor to the electronica scene and shows promise for quality jams to come.

Recommendations: “Last Day” (the one with Michael York breathlessly repeating, “Look…I’m a runner!”)

-- Emma Forster
"Regional Rotations,"  Wednesdays 2-4 pm on WGTB


  1. The cover art is not too bad, either.
    S. McKenna

  2. Cool! and I thought Reruner WAS just a guy with a mac and a mop of scraggly hair...
