Wednesday, June 02, 2010

The District Dialect: Ben's Chili Bowl

Welcome to 'The District Dialect,' a column about the distinctive sounds of Washington, DC. Our writers are going out into the District and capturing the sounds that make our city unique, and showing us where music exists in ways subtler than we often notice. All audio pieces are recorded, edited, and produced by the authors'. This week Catherine Degennaro went to Ben's Chili Bowl:

District Dialect: Ben's Chili Bowl by igorgerman

If you live in DC, you may know the famous Ben’s Chili Bowl as a great place to grab a late bite after a night out at the Black Cat or the 9:30 Club. If you don’t, you may know it as that place where Bill Cosby and the Obamas eat free. But beyond being a hotspot for hungry college students and DC royalty alike, the restaurant is steeped in U Street and Washington history. Catherine DeGennaro and Christina Crisostomo, resident connoisseur of all things chili, stopped by to explore Ben’s storied history, food and atmosphere over a blasting jukebox and the sound of halfsmokes sizzling on the grill.

--Catherine Degennaro


  1. i've somehow managed to live in or around DC for my entire life and have never visit ben's chili bowl.

    this is an excellent feature and concept, btw. very nice werk, team. is this gonna be a weekly thing?

  2. This is indeed going to be a weekly feature that lasts throughout the summer. Glad you like it, major props to Catherine- your future Music Director!

  3. This is an AWESOME column. I love it. Also, Catherine, this sounds like a super well edited NPR clip - and that's a big compliment coming from an NPR nerd. :) Can't wait to read and hear more!

    Congrats on the music director position!
