Monday, June 14, 2010

Interview with the Moondoggies

Last Wednesday in Atlanta Caroline Klibanoff sat down with The Moondoggies before they headed to Bonnaroo and DC tonight. The interview is a bit noisy, but the friendly Seattle four-piece opened up about heir break from the local Seattle scene, the music they grew up on, improving their stage banter and of course the inevitable animal-fighting WGTB question of 2010.

They play tonight at the 9:30 Club, opening for Blitzen Trapper, and it's a show you don't want to miss. Check out the interview and stay tuned for Jared Iversen's review of their newest album, later this week.
Moondoggies interview by WGTB Blog

-- Caroline Klibanoff


  1. What joke did you give them and did they use it?

  2. "a baby Sasquatch" hahaha that was great. i don't think i would mess with him though...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
