Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Concert Review: Retribution Gospel Choir, Rock and Roll Hotel

Show Review: Retribution Gospel Choir
February 4, 2010
Rock and Roll Hotel
Washington, DC

If I could give Retribution Gospel Choir just one piece of advice it would be to keep in mind that just because you wear the same pants as you did in middle school doesn't mean you get to keep the same feelings.
The trio from Duluth, Minnesota played at Rock and Roll Hotel in Northeast on February 4th to an indifferent audience of aging hipsters and myself. Now perhaps “indifferent” is a strong word but I did witness a few audience-members leave after complaining about the band’s volume (“Does it have to be SO LOUD in here?!?”) I can’t imagine the fog machine helped the older crowd’s growing discomfort.
The boys appeared in outfits so well coordinated they would make Beyonce’s mom blush, however, the golden age of Destiny’s Child where these impeccably coordinated outfits would be admired has passed, leaving their maroon and black color scheme more suited to waiters at Marylin Manson’s birthday party. Their sound is reminiscent of Kings of Leon with a cold, and the emotional lyrics could stand some updating. Frontman Alan Sparhawk howled passionately, bemoaning his daddy issues and “the kids we hated and the girls who had it."
Juvenile lyrics aside, Sparhawk is an indisputable showman-- he treated the audience to an inside look at his belligerent struggle against the mic stand (or should we call it daddy?) and an epic guitar solo he played with his teeth. The members of Retribution Gospel Choir certainly have the showmanship of evangelicals, but I’m afraid their music is less than miraculous.
-- Tiare Dunlap
Host, "Girl Please!" Fridays 4-6 pm on WGTB

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