Thursday, April 01, 2010

Review: Free Energy, Stuck on Nothing

Free Energy
Stuck on Nothing

Refreshingly optimistic and youthfully upbeat, Free Energy’s highly anticipated debut album, Stuck on Nothing, blows listeners out of the water.  The unabashed positivity and all-around simplicity of the album bring a glimmer of sunshine to Indie Rock, a genre that can sometimes feel unaffecting and repetitive.  With a clean, crisp, guitar-centric sound, Free Energy creates a light, carefree mood that makes you want to jump to your feet and dance.  Tracks like their self-titled “Free Energy” and “Bang Pop” draw you into an album that follows a natural progression, making Stuck on Nothing easy listening.  Perfect for driving down the highway, windows rolled down and wind in your hair, Stuck on Nothing holds promise for Free Energy’s future success.

-- Chloe Tanaka
Facts and Tracks, Wed 10-11am and Friday 2-3pm on WGTB


  1. Anonymous4:37 PM

    seems to me like an album worthy of an A+ merits more than a short blurb

  2. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Agreed. This is a solid album, but not an A+ or even an A- for that matter. I'd give it a B.

  3. Anonymous12:46 PM

    expel her from the university

  4. Anonymous1:59 PM

    hey, that was my idea! but I'm on board (duh)

  5. It indisputably is great music for driving with the windows down. And also draws way heavier on 80s pop than current indie rock contemporaries, Chloe is right. Yall are too hung up on the letter grades.

  6. if we aren't supposed to 'hang up' on the letter grades, then why do you include them in your critical reviews of new music?

    -said Igor to what may have been himself.

  7. BOOMwackalacka1:32 PM

    listening to this record is like masturbating seven times in a row.
