Thursday, April 01, 2010

WWYC of the Week

Remember that time that you got really mad at your dad because you totally wanted to see that movie and you needed someone to pick you guys up from the theater because Tim's dad was going to drive you there and Nick's mom always picks you guys up and your friends said that its your turn to drive but your dad said that he has to meet with the tax guy in the morning and he doesn't want to stay up late to pick your sorry ass up from seeing Toy Story II? Remember how mad you were at him? You should call him up, apologize, and tell him that you love him. Because at least your dad is not this dad.

Next up for this guy: Getting in trouble with the Missus when she comes home from getting the kids at soccer practice and finding that he has been doing vocal covers rather than heating up the Stoufers in the oven like she asked.


  1. Catherine3:17 PM

    Dad? Oh god..

  2. Anonymous12:53 AM

    hey, I like stoufers. mac and cheese is great

  3. it disturbs me how well acquainted you are with the ins and outs of childhood in suburbia. but it doesnt disturb me as much as this video does.

  4. nice wordplay, caroline.

    also, can i mandate that igor must employ at least one microphone whack-off (as seen from 0:13-0:26) in every future darling snaps set? it makes this video watchable.

  5. i agree 100% with Ben. fo show.
