Friday, May 14, 2010

School's Out for Summer! ...And Some Blog Information for Our Loyal Readers

Dear Readers,

Well, you've been following the development of this blog and of WGTB itself over the past few months, and we are pretty grateful for that. Now that summer has more or less arrived, we'd like to celebrate by thanking you, giving you some updates, and also introducing ourselves.
If you're not a DJ at WGTB you may not even know whose voices were behind some of these posts, and we'd like to get to know you better, so to begin with here we are:

Your Spring 2010 Music Directors: Caroline, Igor, and Christian

Ok, but that photo was taken in January, so that was our winter selves. You might not even recognize us in our summer gear! This is what we look like now:

Your Spring 2010 Music Directors: Christian, Caroline, Igor. Summer-style.

Next semester Tiare and Catherine will be serving as MDs with Igor. But as many of us prepare to depart for the summer months, you may be wondering what will happen to your favorite collection of music-arts-college-radio literature once we are no longer bound by the indelible ties of daily campus life. Not to worry: we'll be keeping up the WGTB blog throughout the summer months, albeit with slightly less frequent content. By next fall this blog will be hosted at our official website,, which will look a lot better than it does now, so you'll be able to click that enticing "Listen Live" button to tune into programming before perusing the blog. (You can do that now, it will just be easier).

So if you're a reader, keep checking daily for new posts about the best concert picks in DC, the backstage stories of local venues, band profiles and interviews, feature columns like WWYC and Take Cover, elaborate graphs, and more (and leave your comments).

If you're a promoter, keep updated with the blog to see how your artists are doing in our charts and reviews, and feel free to submit them for consideration as Artist of the Week. If you're in a band yourself, we hope you find your album or concert or in-studio here. If you're a WGTB DJ and you're in town checking out local shows, or back home and willing to be involved remotely, feel free to talk to us about the possibilities.

We have a new email address for blog-related STUFF, so please send your complaints and love letters (on the back of a $20 bill, please) to:

Did you think we'd leave you without music, on this very first day of the summer solstice?
Below, some essential tunes. Don't it make you wanna rock and roll all night long?

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

1 comment:

  1. ben@home comp12:30 PM

    awesome semester dudes and lady. these will be in the mail for you soon:
