Thursday, July 22, 2010

Review: Francis and the Lights, It'll Be Better - AND full album stream!

Francis and the Lights

It’ll Be Better


The 80s are back. Well, kind of, and minus the embarrassing outfits. Since the calendar says it is technically 2010 you might find it a little difficult to understand how we have traveled back to the decade when dressing like this was socially acceptable. I am listening to It’ll Be Better, Francis and the Lights’ newly released, fourth studio album and Back to the Future seems a little more appropriate right now. Often described as a mix between Prince and Phil Collins, Francis and the Lights incorporates everything that was great about 80s pop music while still remaining musically in touch with modern day culture.

Musically, It’ll Be Better is a solid album. None of the lyrics on the album are profound but lead vocalist Francis Farewell Starlite sings with such a relaxed voice that I cannot help but to sing along. My favorite track off the album, “In a Limousine” is one of the more upbeat tracks ones and has the catchiest hook (“it doesn’t matter, save it for a rainy doesn’t matter just put it in your pocket” --> such optimism!). The first released single off the album, “For Days,” makes me imagine myself in a room with low lights, a disco ball and a pair of bright pink hot pants.

I wouldn’t call this the best album of the summer but there are definitely a few songs off the album that I plan on using for late night, summer dance party playlists.

-- Dominique Barron