Fine. Have it your way.
Nobody seemed to appreciate the subtlety of the awfulness of last weeks entry. Alright, you uncivilized apes. See if I invite you to my next french-film screening. See if I offer you some Carmenere. For those of you who appreciate subtlety like the bear is christian who sleeps in the woods and ate the Pope, I offer you hitmanbreakeroftheeye.
You thought that this song finally went away. You thought that the next time you pulled up to a blue 2004 Honda Civic with sweet tints and a killer exhaust, you would hear something else coming out of his totally bomb subs. Nope.
For a reason that I will never understand, hitmanbreakeroftheeye decided to not allow us to embed this video. But believe me you, this video is worth every quarter of a millisecond it takes you to hold down the ctrl key and click.
And if you cry. Don't come to me for mercy.
this physically hurts me
Truly awful. But I think the real crime (against both humanity and grammar) is committed by kissel10zxc: "you sing really good keep on making videos!"
not subtle. not subtle at all.
at least he dance pretty.
world's saddest youtube cover?
I think he should be required to inhale helium to enhance his credibility
^^ (see above) ^^
How's that for subtlety?
very disappointed my kimbo slice icon doesn't show up in the comments. fix this now, caroline.
nevermind, google just hate me.
not my kimbo not my problem
this video is why god created music
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